Allergies, Shmallergies.

Let’s help our overreacting immune systems, shall we? Because that’s all allergies really are… Our bodies overreact to things in the environment.

My personal concoction I use to help support my allergies is as follows: Bee pollen *has to be local, nettle and bromelain. But wHyE?

Well, Bee pollen supports your bodies’ ability to essentially form a callus to whatever you’re allergic to *if it’s environmental. By ingesting small amounts of bee pollen, your body builds a tolerance; over time, you can increase the amount of bee pollen you take to kick those allergies goodbye. And PLEASE, for the love of god, proceed with CAUTION and under the supervision of a herbalist!

Studies show Nettle Leaf may help reduce OR diminish symptoms of allergies just as well as your at-home allergy meds. (Likely due to its beautiful antihistamine properties.) Plus, the added benefit of no side effects. *if you can get your hands on fresh nettle, that’s best, but be careful with our spikey friend.

AND last but certainly not least bromelain, she’s quick and easy cause she’s in pill form. Typically derived from pineapple, so if you’re allergic to piña be MINDFUL. BUT, I love, luv, luv this if I’m on the go, I can grab a pill and carry on. This magical antihistamine goddess is a life saver.

Links for the goods: Bee Pollen (Chicago Locals), Nettle Leaf Tea, Bromelain.

Ok baii, love ya,



Don’t Sweat It